National Study on Market Opportunities, Barriers and Steps to Scale Up Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Sierra Leone

Project Description

As part of the larger £5m sector ‘WASH Facility’ fund, Adam Smith International and the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), engaged NestBuilders International (NBI) to conduct a National Study on Market Opportunities, Barriers and Steps to Scale-up Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) in Sierra Leone. The overall goal of the study was to provide comprehensive research and analysis for a nationwide market feasibility study on HWTS which would allow the MoHS and its partners to 1) develop a national social marketing campaign for the range of existing and proposed HWTS products; and 2) inform demand and supply strategies. The national study was comprised of three separate, yet interrelated tasks: a study of consumer demand, a study of HWTS supply chains, and a review of legal and policy issues influencing HWTS uptake. The study resulted in a comprehensive project proposal for a national social marketing campaign and a fully costed implementation plan on how to take HWTS to scale in Sierra Leone.

  • Client:
    Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation / Adam Smith International